
When and how can I use group tax? How to create, edit and delete a group tax? How will it appear in the invoice?

When and how can I use group tax? How to create, edit and delete a group tax? How will it appear in the invoice?

If you have multiple taxes for a line item you can group your taxes and add them.

How do I create group tax?


• Go to Settings, under Invoice settings select Tax details option.

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• Click on Add Tax

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• From the ‘Select tax you want to add’ dialogue box, select Standard Tax option.

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• In standard tax dialogue box, type tax name and tax %, click on Save.
Tax 1@ 1%
Tax 2@ 3%
Tax 3@ 5%
Tax 4@ 11%

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• Standard tax that you added appears in the list as follows.

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• Click on Add Tax option and from dialog box, select Group Tax.

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In the Group tax dialogue box, enter group tax name. From the list select the taxes you wish to group. Click on Save.

Eg: “Group Tax 1” and select check boxes – Tax 1, Tax 2, Tax 3 and Tax 4.

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• You will get a message stating “Group tax has been added successfully.”

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• Group tax will appear under the group tax list as follows.

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How will group tax appear when it is selected in the invoice page?

When you select Group Tax in line item and your invoice. It will show as follows:

Subtotal (USD) 1,515.00
Group tax 1
Tax 1 (1)% 15.15
Tax 2 (3)% 45.45
Tax 3 (5)% 75.75
Tax 4 (11)% 166.65

After adding Group Tax Invoice total (USD) 1,818.00

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Can group tax be edited?

Yes group tax can be edited. Follow these steps to edit group tax.


  • Go to Settings, under Invoice settings select Tax details option.

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  • List of Taxes that you saved opens up.

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  • From group tax list, click on edit link for the respective tax you wish to edit.

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  • The Group tax dialogue box opens up. Modify the content which you wish to edit. Click on Save button


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  • You will get a message stating your Group tax has been updated successfully.

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  • The updated group tax will appear in the list as follows.

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How do I delete group tax?
  • Go to Settings, under Invoice settings select Tax details option.

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  • List of taxes saved will appear

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  • From Group tax list click on Delete link for the group tax you wish to delete

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  • You will get a message stating your Tax has been deleted successfully

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  • The erased tax no longer appears in the group tax list

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